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Website Redesign Part IV - Pages and URLs

I bought this domain specifically so I could have cool URLs like, so definitely want to use certain URLs, regardless of content. These provide a good starting point for deciding what pages I might want.

The homepage, obviously. Since the last redesign this has just shown a list of links to other pages and external services, but I’ll probably change that a bit with this redesign.

A few paragraphs about me. Perhaps some other stuff.

A very simple description of what I’m doing at the moment. Inspired by this.

An index of my writing. This will definitely include my writing on this site, but I might also include stuff I write elsewhere.

Stuff I’m reading. Historically, this has been a big list of links pulled from Pocket and Medium. I want to keep that, but might also include books I’m reading, or recommend.

A PDF of my CV.

Forwards to a Notion page detailing the software and hardware I use. I’m sticking with Notion for the moment because I already have much of this written.

Forwards to a notion page where you can book a meeting with me. I’ve been sharing the full notion link for about a year now, and it’s just occurred to me that setting up this forward makes a lot of sense. Again, I’m sticking with notion because I already have it set up.

Other URLs

I’ve also set up forwards for LinkedIn and youtube, since I find it hard to remember their URLs:

It seems likely that I’ll also want two new pages…

A “Hire me” page which is only live when I’m actively looking for work.

A page detailing my coaching work. I expect this will be the only page where I care about “marketing”.

Pages I need to design

Ignoring the forwards and the now page, that’s eight pages I need to consider when it comes to design.

There’s a part of me that wants to dive into the design of these pages right away, but I’m resisting the urge. Making the writing that’s already here useable is far more important. Keep it simple, Danny.