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The Definition of Done: What does "done" actually mean?

Scrum defines the definition of done in pretty simple terms: it’s the acceptance criteria that are common to every single user story. For scrum teams, it’s really important to have a solid definition of what “done” means. They work in sprints, and need some way of deciding whether a user story is actually finished. It’s no good ending a sprint with a user story that meets all its acceptance criteria, but had no code review, hasn’t been tested and isn’t deployable. Such a story is clearly not done. Scrum teams solve this by strictly defining “done”. In this case, in addition to meeting the acceptance criteria, the story must also:

If this isn’t the case at the end of the sprint then it isn’t done - we can’t count it’s story points towards the sprint velocity and it needs to go on the backlog for the next sprint planning session.

What does “done” actually mean, though?

Is a new feature “done” when it’s in production and being used by customers? It might be. Equally, it might not. Have we published the changelog? Have we emailed our customers to tell them about the feature?

When is a technical improvement or refactoring “done”? We certainly don’t want to email our customers about it, and we probably don’t want to add it to the changelog.

The definition of “done” depends on the task.

Some teams get around this problem by having multiple definitions of “done” - one for bugfixes, another for features, another for technical tasks, and so on.

At CharlieHR, this seemed overly complex. We don’t use scrum, and we don’t work in iterations. But we still need a way to remind ourselves of the stuff that should be done before a task is considered finished. So we invented a checklist.

Our DoD at Charlie

We use two definitions. The first is ready to merge. Everything in this checklist needs to be ticked off before the pull request is merged to the master branch. The second is actually done. Everything in this checklist must be ticked off before the card is moved to the Done column on our task boards.

It’s worth noting that these rules apply to every single work item that goes through our task boards, so long as it involves code. Whether it’s a large user story with multiple dependencies or a tiny bugfix, the person doing the work is expected to run through these checklists.

That doesn’t mean that everything on the checklists has to be ticked off for every work item, though - a tiny technical improvement is unlikely to need a marketing email written about it, for example. It does mean that everything in the checklist must be considered for every work item. We trust our engineers to use their judgement.

While you’re reading the DoD below, bear in mind…

I’ve made notes in italics, since some of the items need a bit of explanation.

Checklist 1: Ready to Merge

Checklist 2: Actually Done

Mandatory Items

You’ll notice that some of the items are marked mandatory. Those must be done for every single work item. No exceptions. For a scrum purist, these are the only things that should appear in a Definition of Done. For us (right now), they are probably the least useful items on the list - they’re all important enough that we’d remember to do them even if we didn’t have a checklist!

At the moment, we’re deliberately keeping our mandatory items to a minimum, though we have discussed making more stuff mandatory. As we continue to evolve our process, I expect we’ll add items to support our current engineering goals. If we were focussed on improving our unit test coverage, we might include an item that says “all new models and POROs must have an associated unit test”. If we were focussed on improving the quality of our codebase, we might insist that “every pull request must improve the CodeClimate quality rating”. We might even decide to make proof of business value a prerequisite for “done”.

Currently though, we are focussed on building an awesome product, and while most pull requests include unit tests and quality improvements, it doesn’t make sense to mandate that just now. Our “Definition of Done” is designed to help us work better and faster, and will change and evolve alongside our business goals.